Please send us an e-mail to request information about locating in the City of Granville, North Dakota. You will be among several received regularly from out-of-staters who are considering relocating here in this great land - North Dakota - the Heart of America.
Main Street Granville offers Groceries, Cafe, Gas, Clothing and Souveniers. We have a drinking establishment which is now known as "The White Buffalo Lounge " in keeping with the theme of "McGillicuddy City, USA." Plan to spend some time visiting with the local people who are known for their hospitality and conversation.
Granville Elementary and High Schools, formerly known as the "Home of the Eagles", now take pride in being the home of the Towner-Granville-Upham "Titans", and enjoy all the school activities TGU Granville has to offer for their students. Girls & Boys Basketball, track, baseball, football, volleyball, weight lifting, FFA, Drivers Ed, and Band. Parents are involved in many of the school support groups that include; PTO, Sports Boosters and Music Boosters. All the Athletes are honored at the annual Sports Boosters Banquet.
The music program keeps busy holding four concerts a year and also plays at all the home high school basketball games and at the high school Graduation Ceremony. Many students are actively involved in the FFA program and have won many high honored awards at the State and National level. The school also consists of a Greenhouse for the Vocational Agriculture students. Granville High School also participates in Interactive TV classes with other schools in the surrounding area.
Granville has two active churches. Hope Congregational United Church of Christ has an active Women's Society, Sunday school and Confirmation group. First Lutheran Church boasts their Luther League, which includes youth from the entire community in the Community Youth Organization (CYO), and their Women's group.
The Granville Tree Committee has been busy planning tree planting projects, some of which have been completed. The school courtyard, town entrance signs and plantings, city park, north and south Main Street boulevards are examples. Through their efforts Granville has received the Tree City USA award 20 years in a row. We have also received the Growth Award for many years.
The Girl Scouts are looking for a new leader and are ready to accept you as a volunteer! Rising Stars 4-H kids are involved in woodwork, cooking, livestock, and painting among many other activities. The Granville Boy Scouts are also looking for new adult leadeship.
Granville American Legion and the Granvlle American Legion Auxillary
Granville Area Economic Development Corporation
Granville Cemetery Committee
Granville Cub & Boy Scouts (both inactive at this time)
Granville Fire Department and the Granville Volunteer Firemen
McHenry County Saddle Club
Granville School Alumni Association
Granville Senior Citizens
Granville Tree Committee
Masons of the Ashlar Lodge No. 69 and the Order of the Eastern Star, Granville
The Granville Economic Development Corporation has been responsible for helping small businesses get started in Granville, North Dakota. At the present
time there is a search on for others who would locate here.
The Granville Area Economic Development Corporation regularly meets at 7 P.M on the 2nd Wednesday of every month., in the Granville City Office. Everyone
is invited to attend all GAEDC meetings.
Lisa Wittstruck- President
Karly Brummond- Treasurer
Jessica Long- Secretary
Karl Wittstruck-Director